
  1# coding: utf-8
  2import os
  3from Element import Element
  4import shutil
  5from LSBoundingBox import LSBoundingBox
  6from SDKUtility import OBJHelper
  7import sys
  8from collections import OrderedDict
 11class SceneObject(Element):
 12    def __init__(self, name, components=None):
 13        super().__init__()
 14        self.scene_obj_name = name
 15        self.scene_obj_components = OrderedDict()
 16        if components is not None:
 17            self.scene_obj_components = components
 19    def set_scene_obj_name(self, name):
 20        self.scene_obj_name = name
 22    def get_scene_obj_name(self):
 23        return self.scene_obj_name
 25    def set_component_op(self, comp_name, op_name):
 26        self.scene_obj_components[comp_name]["op_name"] = op_name
 28    def add_component_from_file(self, obj_path, op_name, temperature="-", color="0x006400ff",
 29                                is_turbid=False, leaf_density=-999.0, lad="-", hotspot_factor=-999.0):
 30        # get filename
 31        (dir_path, file_name) = os.path.split(obj_path)
 32        component_name = self.scene_obj_name + "_" + file_name
 33        if file_name not in self.scene_obj_components:
 34            self.scene_obj_components[component_name] = {"op_name": op_name, "temperature": temperature, "color": color,
 35                                                         "is_turbid": is_turbid, "leaf_density": leaf_density,
 36                                                         "lad": lad, "hotspot_factor": hotspot_factor,
 37                                                         "obj_file_path": obj_path}
 38        else:
 39            print("Warning: Component " + component_name + "already exists.")
 41    @staticmethod
 42    def read_components(obj_path):
 43        pass
 46class SceneObjects(Element):
 47    def __init__(self):
 48        super().__init__()
 49        self.cache_OBJ_file = True
 50        self.ConvertOBJToBinaryFile = True
 51        self.tree_pos_file = "instances.txt"
 52        self.objects_file = "objects.txt"
 54        # object and instances data
 55        self._objects = {}
 56        self._instances = {}
 58    def init_objects_from_json(self, json_object):
 59        self.cache_OBJ_file = json_object["scene"]["forest"]["CacheOBJFile"]
 60        self.tree_pos_file = json_object["scene"]["forest"]["tree_pos_file"]
 61        self.objects_file = json_object["scene"]["forest"]["objects_file"]
 62        if "ConvertOBJToBinaryFile" in json_object["scene"]["forest"]:
 63            self.ConvertOBJToBinaryFile = json_object["scene"]["forest"]["ConvertOBJToBinaryFile"]
 64        # objects and instances
 65        self.load_objects()
 66        self.load_instances()
 67        return self
 69    def get_objects(self):
 70        return self._objects
 72    def get_instances(self):
 73        return self._instances
 75    def to_json_object(self):
 76        json_obj = {"CacheOBJFile": self.cache_OBJ_file,
 77                    "ConvertOBJToBinaryFile":self.ConvertOBJToBinaryFile,
 78                    "tree_pos_file": self.tree_pos_file,
 79                    "objects_file": self.objects_file}
 81        # save objects and instances
 82        self.save_objects()
 83        self.save_instances()
 84        return json_obj
 86    def load_objects(self):
 87        objects_file_path = os.path.join(self.get_sim().get_sim_dir(), "Parameters", "objects.txt")
 88        if os.path.exists(objects_file_path):
 89            f = open(objects_file_path)
 90            for line in f:
 91                arr = line.rstrip().split(" ")
 92                components = {}
 93                for i in range(1, len(arr), 8):
 94                    components[arr[i]] = {"op_name": arr[i+1], "temperature": arr[i+2], "color": arr[i+3],
 95                                          "is_turbid": True if arr[i+4] == "True" or arr[i+4] == "true" else False,
 96                                          "leaf_density": float(arr[i+5]),
 97                                          "lad": arr[i+6], "hotspot_factor": float(arr[i+7]),
 98                                          }
 99                self._objects[arr[0]] = components
100            f.close()
102    def load_instances(self):
103        instances_file_path = os.path.join(self.get_sim().get_sim_dir(), "Parameters", "instances.txt")
104        if os.path.exists(instances_file_path):
105            f = open(instances_file_path)
106            for line in f:
107                arr = line.strip().split(" ")
108                obj_name = arr[0]
109                coord = list(map(lambda x: float(x), arr[1:]))
110                if obj_name in self._instances:
111                    self._instances[obj_name].append(coord)
112                else:
113                    self._instances[obj_name] = [coord]
114            f.close()
116    def save_objects(self):
117        objects_file_path = os.path.join(self.get_sim().get_sim_dir(), "Parameters", "objects.txt")
118        f = open(objects_file_path, "w")
119        for obj_name in self._objects:
120            out_str = obj_name
121            for comp_name in self._objects[obj_name]:
122                out_str += " " + comp_name
123                out_str += " " + self._objects[obj_name][comp_name]["op_name"]
124                out_str += " " + self._objects[obj_name][comp_name]["temperature"]
125                out_str += " " + self._objects[obj_name][comp_name]["color"]
126                out_str += " " + str(self._objects[obj_name][comp_name]["is_turbid"])
127                out_str += " " + str(self._objects[obj_name][comp_name]["leaf_density"])
128                out_str += " " + self._objects[obj_name][comp_name]["lad"]
129                out_str += " " + str(self._objects[obj_name][comp_name]["hotspot_factor"])
130            out_str += "\n"
131            f.write(out_str)
132        f.close()
134    def save_instances(self):
135        instances_file_path = os.path.join(self.get_sim().get_sim_dir(), "Parameters", "instances.txt")
136        if len(self._instances) != 0:
137            f = open(instances_file_path, "w")
138            for obj_name in self._instances:
139                for coord in self._instances[obj_name]:
140                    out_str = obj_name
141                    out_str += " " + " ".join(list(map(lambda x: str(x), coord))) + "\n"
142                    f.write(out_str)
143            f.close()
144        else:
145            if os.path.exists(instances_file_path):
146                os.remove(instances_file_path)
148    def __is_scene_object_valid(self, scene_object: SceneObject):
149        # Check components
150        if len(scene_object.scene_obj_components) == 0:
151            print("Error: scene object " + scene_object.get_scene_obj_name() + "does not have components.")
152            return False
153        # Check optical property
154        for component_name in scene_object.scene_obj_components:
155            op_name = scene_object.scene_obj_components[component_name]["op_name"]
156            if not self.get_sim().get_scene().get_landscape().get_optical_properties().is_op_exist(op_name):
157                print("Error: optical property " + op_name + " does not exists, please define first.")
158                return False
159        return True
161    def __is_scene_object_exist(self, obj_name):
162        if obj_name in self._objects:
163            return True
164        return False
166    def __copy_components(self, components, override_file=True):
167        for comp_name in components:
168            obj_file_path = components[comp_name]["obj_file_path"]
169            dst_file_path = os.path.join(self.get_sim().get_sim_dir(), "Parameters", comp_name)
170            if os.path.exists(dst_file_path):
171                if override_file:
172                    shutil.copy(obj_file_path, dst_file_path)
173            else:
174                shutil.copy(obj_file_path, dst_file_path)
176    def __copy_components_with_translate(self, components, translate_to_origin, override_file=True):
177        obj_bound_box = LSBoundingBox()
178        for comp_name in components:
179            obj_file_path = components[comp_name]["obj_file_path"]
180            bound_box = OBJHelper.get_obj_bound(obj_file_path)
181            obj_bound_box.add_child(bound_box)
182        offsetx = - 0.5 * (obj_bound_box.minX + obj_bound_box.maxX)
183        offsey = - obj_bound_box.minY
184        offsetz = -0.5 * (obj_bound_box.minZ + obj_bound_box.maxZ)
185        if translate_to_origin == "xy":
186            offsey = 0
187        for comp_name in components:
188            obj_file_path = components[comp_name]["obj_file_path"]
189            dst_file_path = os.path.join(self.get_sim().get_sim_dir(), "Parameters", comp_name)
190            write_file = False
191            if os.path.exists(dst_file_path):
192                if override_file:
193                    write_file = True
194            else:
195                write_file = True
197            if write_file:
198                fout = open(dst_file_path, "w")
199                fin = open(obj_file_path)
200                for line in fin:
201                    if line.startswith("v"):
202                        (x, y, z) = list(map(lambda xx: float(xx), line[1:].strip().split(" ")))
203                        newx, newy, new = x+offsetx, y+offsey, z+offsetz
204                        fout.write("v %f %f %f\n" % (newx, newy, new))
205                    else:
206                        fout.write(line)
207                fin.close()
208                fout.close()
210    # add a object
211    def add_object(self, scene_object: SceneObject, override_file=True, translate_to_origin="no"):
212        obj_name = scene_object.get_scene_obj_name()
213        # check if scene object is valid
214        if self.__is_scene_object_valid(scene_object):
215            if obj_name in self._objects:
216                print("Warning: scene object " + obj_name + " already exists.")
217            else:
218                self._objects[obj_name] = scene_object.scene_obj_components
219                if translate_to_origin == "no":
220                    self.__copy_components(scene_object.scene_obj_components)
221                else:
222                    print("INFO: Translating obj...")
223                    self.__copy_components_with_translate(scene_object.scene_obj_components,
224                                                          translate_to_origin)
226    def get_object(self, obj_name):
227        if obj_name not in self._objects:
228            print("Warning: scene object " + obj_name + " does not exist.")
229            sys.exit(0)
230        else:
231            return SceneObject(obj_name, self._objects[obj_name])
233    def place_object_to(self, obj_name, x=50.0, y=50.0, z=0.0, rotate=0.0,
234                        rotate_axis_x=None, rotate_axis_y=None, rotate_axis_z=None,
235                        scale_extent_x=None, scale_extent_y=None, scale_extent_z=None):
236        if not self.__is_scene_object_exist(obj_name):
237            print("Error: scene object " + obj_name + " doest not exist.")
238        else:
239            rotate_factors = [rotate_axis_x, rotate_axis_y, rotate_axis_z]
240            scale_factors = [scale_extent_x, scale_extent_y, scale_extent_z]
241            has_rotation = all(item is not None for item in rotate_factors)
242            has_scale = all(item is not None for item in scale_factors)
243            if not has_rotation:
244                coord = [x, y, z, rotate]
245            elif has_rotation and (not has_scale):
246                coord = [x, y, z, rotate] + rotate_factors
247            elif has_rotation and has_scale:
248                coord = [x, y, z, rotate] + rotate_factors + scale_factors
249            else:
250                coord = [x, y, z, rotate]
251            if obj_name in self._instances:
252                self._instances[obj_name].append(coord)
253            else:
254                self._instances[obj_name] = [coord]
256    def read_object_bounding_box(self):
257        boundingbox_file_path = os.path.join(self.get_sim().get_sim_dir(), "Parameters", "objects_boundingbox.txt")
258        if not os.path.exists(boundingbox_file_path):
259            return None
260        object_bounds = {}
261        f = open(boundingbox_file_path)
262        for line in f:
263            arr = line.split(":")
264            obj_name = arr[0]
265            coords = list(map(lambda x: float(x), arr[1].strip().split(" ")))
266            num_boundings = int(len(coords)/6)
267            obj_bound_box = LSBoundingBox()
268            for i in range(num_boundings):
269                comp_bound_box = LSBoundingBox()
270                comp_bound_box.set_value(coords[i*6: (i+1)*6])
271                obj_bound_box.add_child(comp_bound_box)
272            object_bounds[obj_name] = obj_bound_box
273        return object_bounds
276    # For open the project with LESS GUI, this function must be executed before
277    def calculate_object_bounding_box(self):
278        if len(self._objects) > 0:
279            boundingbox_file_path = os.path.join(self.get_sim().get_sim_dir(), "Parameters", "objects_boundingbox.txt")
280            fo = open(boundingbox_file_path, "w")
281            for obj_name in self._objects:
282                obj_bound_box = LSBoundingBox()
283                for comp_name in self._objects[obj_name]:
284                    comp_obj_file_path = os.path.join(self.get_sim().get_sim_dir(), "Parameters", comp_name)
285                    comp_bound_box = LSBoundingBox()
286                    f = open(comp_obj_file_path)
287                    for line in f:
288                        if line.startswith("v "):
289                            arr = line.strip().split(" ")
290                            (x, y, z) = list(map(lambda xx: float(xx), arr[1:]))
291                            if x < comp_bound_box.minX:
292                                comp_bound_box.minX = x
293                            if y < comp_bound_box.minY:
294                                comp_bound_box.minY = y
295                            if z < comp_bound_box.minZ:
296                                comp_bound_box.minZ = z
297                            if x > comp_bound_box.maxX:
298                                comp_bound_box.maxX = x
299                            if y > comp_bound_box.maxY:
300                                comp_bound_box.maxY = y
301                            if z > comp_bound_box.maxZ:
302                                comp_bound_box.maxZ = z
303                    f.close()
304                    obj_bound_box.add_child(comp_bound_box)
305                fo.write(obj_name + ":" + obj_bound_box.to_string()+"\n")
306            fo.close()
class SceneObject(Element.Element):
12class SceneObject(Element):
13    def __init__(self, name, components=None):
14        super().__init__()
15        self.scene_obj_name = name
16        self.scene_obj_components = OrderedDict()
17        if components is not None:
18            self.scene_obj_components = components
20    def set_scene_obj_name(self, name):
21        self.scene_obj_name = name
23    def get_scene_obj_name(self):
24        return self.scene_obj_name
26    def set_component_op(self, comp_name, op_name):
27        self.scene_obj_components[comp_name]["op_name"] = op_name
29    def add_component_from_file(self, obj_path, op_name, temperature="-", color="0x006400ff",
30                                is_turbid=False, leaf_density=-999.0, lad="-", hotspot_factor=-999.0):
31        # get filename
32        (dir_path, file_name) = os.path.split(obj_path)
33        component_name = self.scene_obj_name + "_" + file_name
34        if file_name not in self.scene_obj_components:
35            self.scene_obj_components[component_name] = {"op_name": op_name, "temperature": temperature, "color": color,
36                                                         "is_turbid": is_turbid, "leaf_density": leaf_density,
37                                                         "lad": lad, "hotspot_factor": hotspot_factor,
38                                                         "obj_file_path": obj_path}
39        else:
40            print("Warning: Component " + component_name + "already exists.")
42    @staticmethod
43    def read_components(obj_path):
44        pass
SceneObject(name, components=None)
13    def __init__(self, name, components=None):
14        super().__init__()
15        self.scene_obj_name = name
16        self.scene_obj_components = OrderedDict()
17        if components is not None:
18            self.scene_obj_components = components
def set_scene_obj_name(self, name):
20    def set_scene_obj_name(self, name):
21        self.scene_obj_name = name
def get_scene_obj_name(self):
23    def get_scene_obj_name(self):
24        return self.scene_obj_name
def set_component_op(self, comp_name, op_name):
26    def set_component_op(self, comp_name, op_name):
27        self.scene_obj_components[comp_name]["op_name"] = op_name
def add_component_from_file( self, obj_path, op_name, temperature='-', color='0x006400ff', is_turbid=False, leaf_density=-999.0, lad='-', hotspot_factor=-999.0):
29    def add_component_from_file(self, obj_path, op_name, temperature="-", color="0x006400ff",
30                                is_turbid=False, leaf_density=-999.0, lad="-", hotspot_factor=-999.0):
31        # get filename
32        (dir_path, file_name) = os.path.split(obj_path)
33        component_name = self.scene_obj_name + "_" + file_name
34        if file_name not in self.scene_obj_components:
35            self.scene_obj_components[component_name] = {"op_name": op_name, "temperature": temperature, "color": color,
36                                                         "is_turbid": is_turbid, "leaf_density": leaf_density,
37                                                         "lad": lad, "hotspot_factor": hotspot_factor,
38                                                         "obj_file_path": obj_path}
39        else:
40            print("Warning: Component " + component_name + "already exists.")
def read_components(obj_path):
42    @staticmethod
43    def read_components(obj_path):
44        pass
Inherited Members
class SceneObjects(Element.Element):
 47class SceneObjects(Element):
 48    def __init__(self):
 49        super().__init__()
 50        self.cache_OBJ_file = True
 51        self.ConvertOBJToBinaryFile = True
 52        self.tree_pos_file = "instances.txt"
 53        self.objects_file = "objects.txt"
 55        # object and instances data
 56        self._objects = {}
 57        self._instances = {}
 59    def init_objects_from_json(self, json_object):
 60        self.cache_OBJ_file = json_object["scene"]["forest"]["CacheOBJFile"]
 61        self.tree_pos_file = json_object["scene"]["forest"]["tree_pos_file"]
 62        self.objects_file = json_object["scene"]["forest"]["objects_file"]
 63        if "ConvertOBJToBinaryFile" in json_object["scene"]["forest"]:
 64            self.ConvertOBJToBinaryFile = json_object["scene"]["forest"]["ConvertOBJToBinaryFile"]
 65        # objects and instances
 66        self.load_objects()
 67        self.load_instances()
 68        return self
 70    def get_objects(self):
 71        return self._objects
 73    def get_instances(self):
 74        return self._instances
 76    def to_json_object(self):
 77        json_obj = {"CacheOBJFile": self.cache_OBJ_file,
 78                    "ConvertOBJToBinaryFile":self.ConvertOBJToBinaryFile,
 79                    "tree_pos_file": self.tree_pos_file,
 80                    "objects_file": self.objects_file}
 82        # save objects and instances
 83        self.save_objects()
 84        self.save_instances()
 85        return json_obj
 87    def load_objects(self):
 88        objects_file_path = os.path.join(self.get_sim().get_sim_dir(), "Parameters", "objects.txt")
 89        if os.path.exists(objects_file_path):
 90            f = open(objects_file_path)
 91            for line in f:
 92                arr = line.rstrip().split(" ")
 93                components = {}
 94                for i in range(1, len(arr), 8):
 95                    components[arr[i]] = {"op_name": arr[i+1], "temperature": arr[i+2], "color": arr[i+3],
 96                                          "is_turbid": True if arr[i+4] == "True" or arr[i+4] == "true" else False,
 97                                          "leaf_density": float(arr[i+5]),
 98                                          "lad": arr[i+6], "hotspot_factor": float(arr[i+7]),
 99                                          }
100                self._objects[arr[0]] = components
101            f.close()
103    def load_instances(self):
104        instances_file_path = os.path.join(self.get_sim().get_sim_dir(), "Parameters", "instances.txt")
105        if os.path.exists(instances_file_path):
106            f = open(instances_file_path)
107            for line in f:
108                arr = line.strip().split(" ")
109                obj_name = arr[0]
110                coord = list(map(lambda x: float(x), arr[1:]))
111                if obj_name in self._instances:
112                    self._instances[obj_name].append(coord)
113                else:
114                    self._instances[obj_name] = [coord]
115            f.close()
117    def save_objects(self):
118        objects_file_path = os.path.join(self.get_sim().get_sim_dir(), "Parameters", "objects.txt")
119        f = open(objects_file_path, "w")
120        for obj_name in self._objects:
121            out_str = obj_name
122            for comp_name in self._objects[obj_name]:
123                out_str += " " + comp_name
124                out_str += " " + self._objects[obj_name][comp_name]["op_name"]
125                out_str += " " + self._objects[obj_name][comp_name]["temperature"]
126                out_str += " " + self._objects[obj_name][comp_name]["color"]
127                out_str += " " + str(self._objects[obj_name][comp_name]["is_turbid"])
128                out_str += " " + str(self._objects[obj_name][comp_name]["leaf_density"])
129                out_str += " " + self._objects[obj_name][comp_name]["lad"]
130                out_str += " " + str(self._objects[obj_name][comp_name]["hotspot_factor"])
131            out_str += "\n"
132            f.write(out_str)
133        f.close()
135    def save_instances(self):
136        instances_file_path = os.path.join(self.get_sim().get_sim_dir(), "Parameters", "instances.txt")
137        if len(self._instances) != 0:
138            f = open(instances_file_path, "w")
139            for obj_name in self._instances:
140                for coord in self._instances[obj_name]:
141                    out_str = obj_name
142                    out_str += " " + " ".join(list(map(lambda x: str(x), coord))) + "\n"
143                    f.write(out_str)
144            f.close()
145        else:
146            if os.path.exists(instances_file_path):
147                os.remove(instances_file_path)
149    def __is_scene_object_valid(self, scene_object: SceneObject):
150        # Check components
151        if len(scene_object.scene_obj_components) == 0:
152            print("Error: scene object " + scene_object.get_scene_obj_name() + "does not have components.")
153            return False
154        # Check optical property
155        for component_name in scene_object.scene_obj_components:
156            op_name = scene_object.scene_obj_components[component_name]["op_name"]
157            if not self.get_sim().get_scene().get_landscape().get_optical_properties().is_op_exist(op_name):
158                print("Error: optical property " + op_name + " does not exists, please define first.")
159                return False
160        return True
162    def __is_scene_object_exist(self, obj_name):
163        if obj_name in self._objects:
164            return True
165        return False
167    def __copy_components(self, components, override_file=True):
168        for comp_name in components:
169            obj_file_path = components[comp_name]["obj_file_path"]
170            dst_file_path = os.path.join(self.get_sim().get_sim_dir(), "Parameters", comp_name)
171            if os.path.exists(dst_file_path):
172                if override_file:
173                    shutil.copy(obj_file_path, dst_file_path)
174            else:
175                shutil.copy(obj_file_path, dst_file_path)
177    def __copy_components_with_translate(self, components, translate_to_origin, override_file=True):
178        obj_bound_box = LSBoundingBox()
179        for comp_name in components:
180            obj_file_path = components[comp_name]["obj_file_path"]
181            bound_box = OBJHelper.get_obj_bound(obj_file_path)
182            obj_bound_box.add_child(bound_box)
183        offsetx = - 0.5 * (obj_bound_box.minX + obj_bound_box.maxX)
184        offsey = - obj_bound_box.minY
185        offsetz = -0.5 * (obj_bound_box.minZ + obj_bound_box.maxZ)
186        if translate_to_origin == "xy":
187            offsey = 0
188        for comp_name in components:
189            obj_file_path = components[comp_name]["obj_file_path"]
190            dst_file_path = os.path.join(self.get_sim().get_sim_dir(), "Parameters", comp_name)
191            write_file = False
192            if os.path.exists(dst_file_path):
193                if override_file:
194                    write_file = True
195            else:
196                write_file = True
198            if write_file:
199                fout = open(dst_file_path, "w")
200                fin = open(obj_file_path)
201                for line in fin:
202                    if line.startswith("v"):
203                        (x, y, z) = list(map(lambda xx: float(xx), line[1:].strip().split(" ")))
204                        newx, newy, new = x+offsetx, y+offsey, z+offsetz
205                        fout.write("v %f %f %f\n" % (newx, newy, new))
206                    else:
207                        fout.write(line)
208                fin.close()
209                fout.close()
211    # add a object
212    def add_object(self, scene_object: SceneObject, override_file=True, translate_to_origin="no"):
213        obj_name = scene_object.get_scene_obj_name()
214        # check if scene object is valid
215        if self.__is_scene_object_valid(scene_object):
216            if obj_name in self._objects:
217                print("Warning: scene object " + obj_name + " already exists.")
218            else:
219                self._objects[obj_name] = scene_object.scene_obj_components
220                if translate_to_origin == "no":
221                    self.__copy_components(scene_object.scene_obj_components)
222                else:
223                    print("INFO: Translating obj...")
224                    self.__copy_components_with_translate(scene_object.scene_obj_components,
225                                                          translate_to_origin)
227    def get_object(self, obj_name):
228        if obj_name not in self._objects:
229            print("Warning: scene object " + obj_name + " does not exist.")
230            sys.exit(0)
231        else:
232            return SceneObject(obj_name, self._objects[obj_name])
234    def place_object_to(self, obj_name, x=50.0, y=50.0, z=0.0, rotate=0.0,
235                        rotate_axis_x=None, rotate_axis_y=None, rotate_axis_z=None,
236                        scale_extent_x=None, scale_extent_y=None, scale_extent_z=None):
237        if not self.__is_scene_object_exist(obj_name):
238            print("Error: scene object " + obj_name + " doest not exist.")
239        else:
240            rotate_factors = [rotate_axis_x, rotate_axis_y, rotate_axis_z]
241            scale_factors = [scale_extent_x, scale_extent_y, scale_extent_z]
242            has_rotation = all(item is not None for item in rotate_factors)
243            has_scale = all(item is not None for item in scale_factors)
244            if not has_rotation:
245                coord = [x, y, z, rotate]
246            elif has_rotation and (not has_scale):
247                coord = [x, y, z, rotate] + rotate_factors
248            elif has_rotation and has_scale:
249                coord = [x, y, z, rotate] + rotate_factors + scale_factors
250            else:
251                coord = [x, y, z, rotate]
252            if obj_name in self._instances:
253                self._instances[obj_name].append(coord)
254            else:
255                self._instances[obj_name] = [coord]
257    def read_object_bounding_box(self):
258        boundingbox_file_path = os.path.join(self.get_sim().get_sim_dir(), "Parameters", "objects_boundingbox.txt")
259        if not os.path.exists(boundingbox_file_path):
260            return None
261        object_bounds = {}
262        f = open(boundingbox_file_path)
263        for line in f:
264            arr = line.split(":")
265            obj_name = arr[0]
266            coords = list(map(lambda x: float(x), arr[1].strip().split(" ")))
267            num_boundings = int(len(coords)/6)
268            obj_bound_box = LSBoundingBox()
269            for i in range(num_boundings):
270                comp_bound_box = LSBoundingBox()
271                comp_bound_box.set_value(coords[i*6: (i+1)*6])
272                obj_bound_box.add_child(comp_bound_box)
273            object_bounds[obj_name] = obj_bound_box
274        return object_bounds
277    # For open the project with LESS GUI, this function must be executed before
278    def calculate_object_bounding_box(self):
279        if len(self._objects) > 0:
280            boundingbox_file_path = os.path.join(self.get_sim().get_sim_dir(), "Parameters", "objects_boundingbox.txt")
281            fo = open(boundingbox_file_path, "w")
282            for obj_name in self._objects:
283                obj_bound_box = LSBoundingBox()
284                for comp_name in self._objects[obj_name]:
285                    comp_obj_file_path = os.path.join(self.get_sim().get_sim_dir(), "Parameters", comp_name)
286                    comp_bound_box = LSBoundingBox()
287                    f = open(comp_obj_file_path)
288                    for line in f:
289                        if line.startswith("v "):
290                            arr = line.strip().split(" ")
291                            (x, y, z) = list(map(lambda xx: float(xx), arr[1:]))
292                            if x < comp_bound_box.minX:
293                                comp_bound_box.minX = x
294                            if y < comp_bound_box.minY:
295                                comp_bound_box.minY = y
296                            if z < comp_bound_box.minZ:
297                                comp_bound_box.minZ = z
298                            if x > comp_bound_box.maxX:
299                                comp_bound_box.maxX = x
300                            if y > comp_bound_box.maxY:
301                                comp_bound_box.maxY = y
302                            if z > comp_bound_box.maxZ:
303                                comp_bound_box.maxZ = z
304                    f.close()
305                    obj_bound_box.add_child(comp_bound_box)
306                fo.write(obj_name + ":" + obj_bound_box.to_string()+"\n")
307            fo.close()
def init_objects_from_json(self, json_object):
59    def init_objects_from_json(self, json_object):
60        self.cache_OBJ_file = json_object["scene"]["forest"]["CacheOBJFile"]
61        self.tree_pos_file = json_object["scene"]["forest"]["tree_pos_file"]
62        self.objects_file = json_object["scene"]["forest"]["objects_file"]
63        if "ConvertOBJToBinaryFile" in json_object["scene"]["forest"]:
64            self.ConvertOBJToBinaryFile = json_object["scene"]["forest"]["ConvertOBJToBinaryFile"]
65        # objects and instances
66        self.load_objects()
67        self.load_instances()
68        return self
def get_objects(self):
70    def get_objects(self):
71        return self._objects
def get_instances(self):
73    def get_instances(self):
74        return self._instances
def to_json_object(self):
76    def to_json_object(self):
77        json_obj = {"CacheOBJFile": self.cache_OBJ_file,
78                    "ConvertOBJToBinaryFile":self.ConvertOBJToBinaryFile,
79                    "tree_pos_file": self.tree_pos_file,
80                    "objects_file": self.objects_file}
82        # save objects and instances
83        self.save_objects()
84        self.save_instances()
85        return json_obj
def load_objects(self):
 87    def load_objects(self):
 88        objects_file_path = os.path.join(self.get_sim().get_sim_dir(), "Parameters", "objects.txt")
 89        if os.path.exists(objects_file_path):
 90            f = open(objects_file_path)
 91            for line in f:
 92                arr = line.rstrip().split(" ")
 93                components = {}
 94                for i in range(1, len(arr), 8):
 95                    components[arr[i]] = {"op_name": arr[i+1], "temperature": arr[i+2], "color": arr[i+3],
 96                                          "is_turbid": True if arr[i+4] == "True" or arr[i+4] == "true" else False,
 97                                          "leaf_density": float(arr[i+5]),
 98                                          "lad": arr[i+6], "hotspot_factor": float(arr[i+7]),
 99                                          }
100                self._objects[arr[0]] = components
101            f.close()
def load_instances(self):
103    def load_instances(self):
104        instances_file_path = os.path.join(self.get_sim().get_sim_dir(), "Parameters", "instances.txt")
105        if os.path.exists(instances_file_path):
106            f = open(instances_file_path)
107            for line in f:
108                arr = line.strip().split(" ")
109                obj_name = arr[0]
110                coord = list(map(lambda x: float(x), arr[1:]))
111                if obj_name in self._instances:
112                    self._instances[obj_name].append(coord)
113                else:
114                    self._instances[obj_name] = [coord]
115            f.close()
def save_objects(self):
117    def save_objects(self):
118        objects_file_path = os.path.join(self.get_sim().get_sim_dir(), "Parameters", "objects.txt")
119        f = open(objects_file_path, "w")
120        for obj_name in self._objects:
121            out_str = obj_name
122            for comp_name in self._objects[obj_name]:
123                out_str += " " + comp_name
124                out_str += " " + self._objects[obj_name][comp_name]["op_name"]
125                out_str += " " + self._objects[obj_name][comp_name]["temperature"]
126                out_str += " " + self._objects[obj_name][comp_name]["color"]
127                out_str += " " + str(self._objects[obj_name][comp_name]["is_turbid"])
128                out_str += " " + str(self._objects[obj_name][comp_name]["leaf_density"])
129                out_str += " " + self._objects[obj_name][comp_name]["lad"]
130                out_str += " " + str(self._objects[obj_name][comp_name]["hotspot_factor"])
131            out_str += "\n"
132            f.write(out_str)
133        f.close()
def save_instances(self):
135    def save_instances(self):
136        instances_file_path = os.path.join(self.get_sim().get_sim_dir(), "Parameters", "instances.txt")
137        if len(self._instances) != 0:
138            f = open(instances_file_path, "w")
139            for obj_name in self._instances:
140                for coord in self._instances[obj_name]:
141                    out_str = obj_name
142                    out_str += " " + " ".join(list(map(lambda x: str(x), coord))) + "\n"
143                    f.write(out_str)
144            f.close()
145        else:
146            if os.path.exists(instances_file_path):
147                os.remove(instances_file_path)
def add_object( self, scene_object: SceneObjects.SceneObject, override_file=True, translate_to_origin='no'):
212    def add_object(self, scene_object: SceneObject, override_file=True, translate_to_origin="no"):
213        obj_name = scene_object.get_scene_obj_name()
214        # check if scene object is valid
215        if self.__is_scene_object_valid(scene_object):
216            if obj_name in self._objects:
217                print("Warning: scene object " + obj_name + " already exists.")
218            else:
219                self._objects[obj_name] = scene_object.scene_obj_components
220                if translate_to_origin == "no":
221                    self.__copy_components(scene_object.scene_obj_components)
222                else:
223                    print("INFO: Translating obj...")
224                    self.__copy_components_with_translate(scene_object.scene_obj_components,
225                                                          translate_to_origin)
def get_object(self, obj_name):
227    def get_object(self, obj_name):
228        if obj_name not in self._objects:
229            print("Warning: scene object " + obj_name + " does not exist.")
230            sys.exit(0)
231        else:
232            return SceneObject(obj_name, self._objects[obj_name])
def place_object_to( self, obj_name, x=50.0, y=50.0, z=0.0, rotate=0.0, rotate_axis_x=None, rotate_axis_y=None, rotate_axis_z=None, scale_extent_x=None, scale_extent_y=None, scale_extent_z=None):
234    def place_object_to(self, obj_name, x=50.0, y=50.0, z=0.0, rotate=0.0,
235                        rotate_axis_x=None, rotate_axis_y=None, rotate_axis_z=None,
236                        scale_extent_x=None, scale_extent_y=None, scale_extent_z=None):
237        if not self.__is_scene_object_exist(obj_name):
238            print("Error: scene object " + obj_name + " doest not exist.")
239        else:
240            rotate_factors = [rotate_axis_x, rotate_axis_y, rotate_axis_z]
241            scale_factors = [scale_extent_x, scale_extent_y, scale_extent_z]
242            has_rotation = all(item is not None for item in rotate_factors)
243            has_scale = all(item is not None for item in scale_factors)
244            if not has_rotation:
245                coord = [x, y, z, rotate]
246            elif has_rotation and (not has_scale):
247                coord = [x, y, z, rotate] + rotate_factors
248            elif has_rotation and has_scale:
249                coord = [x, y, z, rotate] + rotate_factors + scale_factors
250            else:
251                coord = [x, y, z, rotate]
252            if obj_name in self._instances:
253                self._instances[obj_name].append(coord)
254            else:
255                self._instances[obj_name] = [coord]
def read_object_bounding_box(self):
257    def read_object_bounding_box(self):
258        boundingbox_file_path = os.path.join(self.get_sim().get_sim_dir(), "Parameters", "objects_boundingbox.txt")
259        if not os.path.exists(boundingbox_file_path):
260            return None
261        object_bounds = {}
262        f = open(boundingbox_file_path)
263        for line in f:
264            arr = line.split(":")
265            obj_name = arr[0]
266            coords = list(map(lambda x: float(x), arr[1].strip().split(" ")))
267            num_boundings = int(len(coords)/6)
268            obj_bound_box = LSBoundingBox()
269            for i in range(num_boundings):
270                comp_bound_box = LSBoundingBox()
271                comp_bound_box.set_value(coords[i*6: (i+1)*6])
272                obj_bound_box.add_child(comp_bound_box)
273            object_bounds[obj_name] = obj_bound_box
274        return object_bounds
def calculate_object_bounding_box(self):
278    def calculate_object_bounding_box(self):
279        if len(self._objects) > 0:
280            boundingbox_file_path = os.path.join(self.get_sim().get_sim_dir(), "Parameters", "objects_boundingbox.txt")
281            fo = open(boundingbox_file_path, "w")
282            for obj_name in self._objects:
283                obj_bound_box = LSBoundingBox()
284                for comp_name in self._objects[obj_name]:
285                    comp_obj_file_path = os.path.join(self.get_sim().get_sim_dir(), "Parameters", comp_name)
286                    comp_bound_box = LSBoundingBox()
287                    f = open(comp_obj_file_path)
288                    for line in f:
289                        if line.startswith("v "):
290                            arr = line.strip().split(" ")
291                            (x, y, z) = list(map(lambda xx: float(xx), arr[1:]))
292                            if x < comp_bound_box.minX:
293                                comp_bound_box.minX = x
294                            if y < comp_bound_box.minY:
295                                comp_bound_box.minY = y
296                            if z < comp_bound_box.minZ:
297                                comp_bound_box.minZ = z
298                            if x > comp_bound_box.maxX:
299                                comp_bound_box.maxX = x
300                            if y > comp_bound_box.maxY:
301                                comp_bound_box.maxY = y
302                            if z > comp_bound_box.maxZ:
303                                comp_bound_box.maxZ = z
304                    f.close()
305                    obj_bound_box.add_child(comp_bound_box)
306                fo.write(obj_name + ":" + obj_bound_box.to_string()+"\n")
307            fo.close()
Inherited Members