1# coding: utf-8 2import os 3import sys 4import json 5from Scene import Scene 6from Landscape import Landscape 7from Sensor import SensorBasic, SensorOrthographic, SensorPhotonTracing, SensorPerspective, SensorFisheye, SensorLiDAR, SensorType 8from Illumination import Illumination 9from Observation import ObservationOrthographic, ObservationPerspective, ObservationFisheye 10from AdvancedParams import AdvancedParams 11from SimulationHelper import SimulationHelper 12from LiDAR import LiDARSimMode, create_lidar_from_file 13from RuntimeScene import RuntimeScene 14 15 16class Simulation(object): 17 def __init__(self, sim_dir, simulation_helper): 18 self.__sim_dir = sim_dir 19 self.__sim_helper = simulation_helper 20 self.__scene = Scene(self) 21 self.__dist_file = "" 22 23 # calculated members 24 self.__input_conf_path = os.path.join(sim_dir, "Parameters", "input.conf") 25 self.__input_conf = self.load_input_conf() 26 27 self.__runtime_scene = None 28 self.__runtime_modification = False 29 30 def enable_runtime_modification_of_properties(self, runtime_modification): 31 self.__runtime_modification = runtime_modification 32 33 def get_scene_helper(self): 34 return self.__sim_helper 35 36 def load_input_conf(self): 37 f = open(self.__input_conf_path) 38 input_conf = json.load(f) 39 f.close() 40 return input_conf 41 42 def get_dist_file(self): 43 return self.__dist_file 44 45 def set_dist_file(self, dist_file): 46 self.__dist_file = dist_file 47 48 def prepare_for_ui(self): 49 self.get_scene().get_landscape().prepare_for_ui() 50 51 # 初始化默认文件名 52 def __init_dist_file(self): 53 if self.__dist_file != "": 54 return 55 thermal_img_prefix = "thermal_" 56 spectral_img_prefix = "spectral_" 57 photon_tracing_img_prefix = "photontracing_" 58 59 distFileName = "" 60 imgPrefix = "" 61 sensor = self.__scene.get_sensor() 62 obs = self.__scene.get_observation() 63 if sensor.thermal_radiation: 64 imgPrefix = thermal_img_prefix 65 else: 66 imgPrefix = spectral_img_prefix 67 68 if sensor.sensor_type == "orthographic": 69 distFileName = imgPrefix + "VZ=" + str(obs.obs_zenith) + \ 70 "_VA=" + str(obs.obs_azimuth) 71 if sensor.sensor_type == "perspective" or sensor.sensor_type == "CircularFisheye": 72 ox, oy, oz, tx, ty, tz = obs.obs_o_x, obs.obs_o_y, obs.obs_o_z, obs.obs_t_x, obs.obs_t_y, obs.obs_t_z 73 distFileName = imgPrefix + "ox=%.2f_oy=%.2f_oz=%.2f_tx=%.2f_ty=%.2f_tz=%.2f" % (ox, oy, oz, tx, ty, tz) 74 distFileName = distFileName.replace(".", "_") 75 76 if sensor.sensor_type == "PhotonTracing": 77 distFileName = photon_tracing_img_prefix + str(sensor.sun_ray_resolution).replace(".", "_") 78 self.__dist_file = os.path.join(self.get_sim_dir(), "Results", distFileName) 79 80 def __read_sensor_from_json(self): 81 sensor_type = self.__input_conf["sensor"]["sensor_type"] 82 sensor = SensorBasic() 83 if sensor_type == "orthographic": 84 sensor = SensorOrthographic() 85 if sensor_type == "PhotonTracing": 86 sensor = SensorPhotonTracing() 87 if sensor_type == "perspective": 88 sensor = SensorPerspective() 89 if sensor_type == "CircularFisheye": 90 sensor = SensorFisheye() 91 if sensor_type == "LiDAR": 92 sensor = SensorLiDAR() 93 sensor.set_sim(self) 94 sensor.init_sensor_from_json(self.__input_conf) 95 return sensor 96 97 def __read_observation_from_json(self): 98 sensor_type = self.__input_conf["sensor"]["sensor_type"] 99 if sensor_type == "orthographic": 100 observation = ObservationOrthographic() 101 observation.init_obs_from_json(self.__input_conf) 102 return observation 103 if sensor_type == "PhotonTracing": # This is actually not used 104 observation = ObservationOrthographic() 105 observation.init_obs_from_json(self.__input_conf) 106 return observation 107 if sensor_type == "perspective": 108 observation = ObservationPerspective() 109 observation.init_obs_from_json(self.__input_conf) 110 return observation 111 if sensor_type == "CircularFisheye": 112 observation = ObservationPerspective() 113 observation.init_obs_from_json(self.__input_conf) 114 return observation 115 if sensor_type == "LiDAR": # an orth obs is used # This is actually not used 116 observation = ObservationOrthographic() 117 return observation 118 119 def get_scene(self): 120 return self.__scene 121 122 def get_sim_dir(self): 123 return self.__sim_dir 124 125 def get_parameters_dir(self): 126 return os.path.join(self.get_sim_dir(), "Parameters") 127 128 def is_sim_valid(self): 129 if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.__sim_dir, ".less")): 130 return True 131 else: 132 return False 133 134 def read_sim_project(self): 135 if not self.is_sim_valid(): 136 print("Simulation project: "+self.__sim_dir+" is not a valid project.") 137 sys.exit(0) 138 # Sensor 139 self.__scene.set_sensor(self.__read_sensor_from_json()) 140 141 # Landscape 142 landscape = Landscape() 143 landscape.set_sim(self) 144 landscape.init_landscape_from_json(self.__input_conf) 145 146 self.__scene.set_landscape(landscape) 147 148 # Illumination 149 illumination = Illumination() 150 illumination.set_sim(self) 151 illumination.init_illumination_from_json(self.__input_conf) 152 self.__scene.set_illumination(illumination) 153 154 # Observation 155 self.__scene.set_observation(self.__read_observation_from_json()) 156 157 # Advanced parameters 158 advanced_params = AdvancedParams() 159 advanced_params.init_advanced_params_from_json(self.__input_conf) 160 self.__scene.set_advanced_params(advanced_params) 161 162 def save_sim_project(self): 163 f_out = open(self.__input_conf_path, "w") 164 json.dump(self.__scene.to_json_object(self), f_out, indent=2) 165 f_out.close() 166 167 def __check_correction_before_run(self): 168 pass 169 170 def start(self): 171 self.__init_dist_file() 172 if self.__runtime_modification: 173 if self.__scene.with_lidar_sensor(): 174 print("INFO: LiDAR simulation does not support runtime modification of scene properties currently. If" 175 "you really want, please contact [email protected]") 176 sys.exit(0) 177 self.__start_runtime_simulation() 178 return 179 180 if self.__scene.with_lidar_sensor(): 181 cwd = os.getcwd() 182 os.chdir(self.__sim_dir) 183 interpreter = self.__sim_helper.get_py_interpreter_path() 184 script_lidar_gen_path = os.path.join(self.__sim_helper.get_less_py_dir(), "") 185 os.system(interpreter + " " + script_lidar_gen_path + " --genall") 186 187 script_lidar_sim_path = os.path.join(self.__sim_helper.get_less_py_dir(), "") 188 if self.__scene.get_sensor().get_scanning_device().get_lidar_sim_mode() == LiDARSimMode.SingleRayPointCloud: 189 os.system(interpreter + " " + script_lidar_sim_path + " singleRay") 190 elif self.__scene.get_sensor().get_scanning_device().get_lidar_sim_mode() == LiDARSimMode.MultiRayPointCloud: 191 os.system(interpreter + " " + script_lidar_sim_path + " pointcloud") 192 elif self.__scene.get_sensor().get_scanning_device().get_lidar_sim_mode() == LiDARSimMode.MultiRayPointCloudIncident: 193 os.system(interpreter + " " + script_lidar_sim_path + " pointcloudIncident") 194 elif self.__scene.get_sensor().get_scanning_device().get_lidar_sim_mode() == LiDARSimMode.MultiRayWaveform: 195 os.system(interpreter + " " + script_lidar_sim_path + " waveform") 196 print("INFO: Performing convolution...") 197 convolve_script_path = os.path.join(self.__sim_helper.get_less_py_dir(), 198 "lidar/waveformConvolve/") 199 scene_xsize = self.__scene.get_landscape().get_terrain().extent_width 200 scene_ysize = self.__scene.get_landscape().get_terrain().extent_height 201 os.system(interpreter + " " + convolve_script_path + " -1 " + str(scene_xsize) + " " + str(scene_ysize)) 202 203 os.chdir(cwd) 204 else: 205 cwd = os.getcwd() 206 os.chdir(self.__sim_dir) 207 interpreter = self.__sim_helper.get_py_interpreter_path() 208 script_lesspy_path = self.__sim_helper.get_script_less_py_path() 209 os.system(interpreter + " " + script_lesspy_path + " -g s") 210 os.system(interpreter + " " + script_lesspy_path + " -g v") 211 if self.__dist_file == "": 212 os.system(interpreter + " " + script_lesspy_path + " -r n -p " + 213 str(self.get_scene().get_advanced_params().number_of_cores)) 214 else: 215 os.system(interpreter + " " + script_lesspy_path + " -r n -p " + 216 str(self.get_scene().get_advanced_params().number_of_cores) + " -d " + self.__dist_file) 217 os.chdir(cwd) 218 219 def __load_runtime_scene(self): 220 if self.__runtime_scene is None: 221 cwd = os.getcwd() 222 os.chdir(self.__sim_dir) 223 interpreter = self.__sim_helper.get_py_interpreter_path() 224 script_lesspy_path = self.__sim_helper.get_script_less_py_path() 225 os.system(interpreter + " " + script_lesspy_path + " -g s") 226 os.system(interpreter + " " + script_lesspy_path + " -g v") 227 os.chdir(cwd) 228 self.__runtime_scene = RuntimeScene(self) 229 self.__runtime_scene.load_scene() 230 self.__runtime_scene.less_runtime_scene.setDestinationFile(self.get_dist_file()) 231 232 def __start_runtime_simulation(self): 233 self.__load_runtime_scene() 234 self.__runtime_scene.update_parameters() 235 self.__runtime_scene.start() 236 237if __name__ == "__main__": 238 sim_helper = SimulationHelper(r"D:\LESS") 239 sim_helper.create_new_sim(r"D:\LESS\simulations\test_auto_create") 240 sim = Simulation(r"D:\LESS\simulations\test_auto_create", sim_helper) 241 sim.read_sim_project() 242 # Change parameters 243 sim.get_scene().get_sensor().film_type = "rgb" 244 for i in [0, 30, 50, 60]: 245 # obs = ObservationOrthographic() 246 # obs.obs_zenith = i 247 # sim.get_scene().set_observation(obs) 248 obs = ObservationFisheye() 249 obs.obs_o_z = 50 250 sim.get_scene().set_observation(obs) 251 sim.save_sim_project() 252 sim.start()
17class Simulation(object): 18 def __init__(self, sim_dir, simulation_helper): 19 self.__sim_dir = sim_dir 20 self.__sim_helper = simulation_helper 21 self.__scene = Scene(self) 22 self.__dist_file = "" 23 24 # calculated members 25 self.__input_conf_path = os.path.join(sim_dir, "Parameters", "input.conf") 26 self.__input_conf = self.load_input_conf() 27 28 self.__runtime_scene = None 29 self.__runtime_modification = False 30 31 def enable_runtime_modification_of_properties(self, runtime_modification): 32 self.__runtime_modification = runtime_modification 33 34 def get_scene_helper(self): 35 return self.__sim_helper 36 37 def load_input_conf(self): 38 f = open(self.__input_conf_path) 39 input_conf = json.load(f) 40 f.close() 41 return input_conf 42 43 def get_dist_file(self): 44 return self.__dist_file 45 46 def set_dist_file(self, dist_file): 47 self.__dist_file = dist_file 48 49 def prepare_for_ui(self): 50 self.get_scene().get_landscape().prepare_for_ui() 51 52 # 初始化默认文件名 53 def __init_dist_file(self): 54 if self.__dist_file != "": 55 return 56 thermal_img_prefix = "thermal_" 57 spectral_img_prefix = "spectral_" 58 photon_tracing_img_prefix = "photontracing_" 59 60 distFileName = "" 61 imgPrefix = "" 62 sensor = self.__scene.get_sensor() 63 obs = self.__scene.get_observation() 64 if sensor.thermal_radiation: 65 imgPrefix = thermal_img_prefix 66 else: 67 imgPrefix = spectral_img_prefix 68 69 if sensor.sensor_type == "orthographic": 70 distFileName = imgPrefix + "VZ=" + str(obs.obs_zenith) + \ 71 "_VA=" + str(obs.obs_azimuth) 72 if sensor.sensor_type == "perspective" or sensor.sensor_type == "CircularFisheye": 73 ox, oy, oz, tx, ty, tz = obs.obs_o_x, obs.obs_o_y, obs.obs_o_z, obs.obs_t_x, obs.obs_t_y, obs.obs_t_z 74 distFileName = imgPrefix + "ox=%.2f_oy=%.2f_oz=%.2f_tx=%.2f_ty=%.2f_tz=%.2f" % (ox, oy, oz, tx, ty, tz) 75 distFileName = distFileName.replace(".", "_") 76 77 if sensor.sensor_type == "PhotonTracing": 78 distFileName = photon_tracing_img_prefix + str(sensor.sun_ray_resolution).replace(".", "_") 79 self.__dist_file = os.path.join(self.get_sim_dir(), "Results", distFileName) 80 81 def __read_sensor_from_json(self): 82 sensor_type = self.__input_conf["sensor"]["sensor_type"] 83 sensor = SensorBasic() 84 if sensor_type == "orthographic": 85 sensor = SensorOrthographic() 86 if sensor_type == "PhotonTracing": 87 sensor = SensorPhotonTracing() 88 if sensor_type == "perspective": 89 sensor = SensorPerspective() 90 if sensor_type == "CircularFisheye": 91 sensor = SensorFisheye() 92 if sensor_type == "LiDAR": 93 sensor = SensorLiDAR() 94 sensor.set_sim(self) 95 sensor.init_sensor_from_json(self.__input_conf) 96 return sensor 97 98 def __read_observation_from_json(self): 99 sensor_type = self.__input_conf["sensor"]["sensor_type"] 100 if sensor_type == "orthographic": 101 observation = ObservationOrthographic() 102 observation.init_obs_from_json(self.__input_conf) 103 return observation 104 if sensor_type == "PhotonTracing": # This is actually not used 105 observation = ObservationOrthographic() 106 observation.init_obs_from_json(self.__input_conf) 107 return observation 108 if sensor_type == "perspective": 109 observation = ObservationPerspective() 110 observation.init_obs_from_json(self.__input_conf) 111 return observation 112 if sensor_type == "CircularFisheye": 113 observation = ObservationPerspective() 114 observation.init_obs_from_json(self.__input_conf) 115 return observation 116 if sensor_type == "LiDAR": # an orth obs is used # This is actually not used 117 observation = ObservationOrthographic() 118 return observation 119 120 def get_scene(self): 121 return self.__scene 122 123 def get_sim_dir(self): 124 return self.__sim_dir 125 126 def get_parameters_dir(self): 127 return os.path.join(self.get_sim_dir(), "Parameters") 128 129 def is_sim_valid(self): 130 if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.__sim_dir, ".less")): 131 return True 132 else: 133 return False 134 135 def read_sim_project(self): 136 if not self.is_sim_valid(): 137 print("Simulation project: "+self.__sim_dir+" is not a valid project.") 138 sys.exit(0) 139 # Sensor 140 self.__scene.set_sensor(self.__read_sensor_from_json()) 141 142 # Landscape 143 landscape = Landscape() 144 landscape.set_sim(self) 145 landscape.init_landscape_from_json(self.__input_conf) 146 147 self.__scene.set_landscape(landscape) 148 149 # Illumination 150 illumination = Illumination() 151 illumination.set_sim(self) 152 illumination.init_illumination_from_json(self.__input_conf) 153 self.__scene.set_illumination(illumination) 154 155 # Observation 156 self.__scene.set_observation(self.__read_observation_from_json()) 157 158 # Advanced parameters 159 advanced_params = AdvancedParams() 160 advanced_params.init_advanced_params_from_json(self.__input_conf) 161 self.__scene.set_advanced_params(advanced_params) 162 163 def save_sim_project(self): 164 f_out = open(self.__input_conf_path, "w") 165 json.dump(self.__scene.to_json_object(self), f_out, indent=2) 166 f_out.close() 167 168 def __check_correction_before_run(self): 169 pass 170 171 def start(self): 172 self.__init_dist_file() 173 if self.__runtime_modification: 174 if self.__scene.with_lidar_sensor(): 175 print("INFO: LiDAR simulation does not support runtime modification of scene properties currently. If" 176 "you really want, please contact [email protected]") 177 sys.exit(0) 178 self.__start_runtime_simulation() 179 return 180 181 if self.__scene.with_lidar_sensor(): 182 cwd = os.getcwd() 183 os.chdir(self.__sim_dir) 184 interpreter = self.__sim_helper.get_py_interpreter_path() 185 script_lidar_gen_path = os.path.join(self.__sim_helper.get_less_py_dir(), "") 186 os.system(interpreter + " " + script_lidar_gen_path + " --genall") 187 188 script_lidar_sim_path = os.path.join(self.__sim_helper.get_less_py_dir(), "") 189 if self.__scene.get_sensor().get_scanning_device().get_lidar_sim_mode() == LiDARSimMode.SingleRayPointCloud: 190 os.system(interpreter + " " + script_lidar_sim_path + " singleRay") 191 elif self.__scene.get_sensor().get_scanning_device().get_lidar_sim_mode() == LiDARSimMode.MultiRayPointCloud: 192 os.system(interpreter + " " + script_lidar_sim_path + " pointcloud") 193 elif self.__scene.get_sensor().get_scanning_device().get_lidar_sim_mode() == LiDARSimMode.MultiRayPointCloudIncident: 194 os.system(interpreter + " " + script_lidar_sim_path + " pointcloudIncident") 195 elif self.__scene.get_sensor().get_scanning_device().get_lidar_sim_mode() == LiDARSimMode.MultiRayWaveform: 196 os.system(interpreter + " " + script_lidar_sim_path + " waveform") 197 print("INFO: Performing convolution...") 198 convolve_script_path = os.path.join(self.__sim_helper.get_less_py_dir(), 199 "lidar/waveformConvolve/") 200 scene_xsize = self.__scene.get_landscape().get_terrain().extent_width 201 scene_ysize = self.__scene.get_landscape().get_terrain().extent_height 202 os.system(interpreter + " " + convolve_script_path + " -1 " + str(scene_xsize) + " " + str(scene_ysize)) 203 204 os.chdir(cwd) 205 else: 206 cwd = os.getcwd() 207 os.chdir(self.__sim_dir) 208 interpreter = self.__sim_helper.get_py_interpreter_path() 209 script_lesspy_path = self.__sim_helper.get_script_less_py_path() 210 os.system(interpreter + " " + script_lesspy_path + " -g s") 211 os.system(interpreter + " " + script_lesspy_path + " -g v") 212 if self.__dist_file == "": 213 os.system(interpreter + " " + script_lesspy_path + " -r n -p " + 214 str(self.get_scene().get_advanced_params().number_of_cores)) 215 else: 216 os.system(interpreter + " " + script_lesspy_path + " -r n -p " + 217 str(self.get_scene().get_advanced_params().number_of_cores) + " -d " + self.__dist_file) 218 os.chdir(cwd) 219 220 def __load_runtime_scene(self): 221 if self.__runtime_scene is None: 222 cwd = os.getcwd() 223 os.chdir(self.__sim_dir) 224 interpreter = self.__sim_helper.get_py_interpreter_path() 225 script_lesspy_path = self.__sim_helper.get_script_less_py_path() 226 os.system(interpreter + " " + script_lesspy_path + " -g s") 227 os.system(interpreter + " " + script_lesspy_path + " -g v") 228 os.chdir(cwd) 229 self.__runtime_scene = RuntimeScene(self) 230 self.__runtime_scene.load_scene() 231 self.__runtime_scene.less_runtime_scene.setDestinationFile(self.get_dist_file()) 232 233 def __start_runtime_simulation(self): 234 self.__load_runtime_scene() 235 self.__runtime_scene.update_parameters() 236 self.__runtime_scene.start()
Simulation(sim_dir, simulation_helper)
18 def __init__(self, sim_dir, simulation_helper): 19 self.__sim_dir = sim_dir 20 self.__sim_helper = simulation_helper 21 self.__scene = Scene(self) 22 self.__dist_file = "" 23 24 # calculated members 25 self.__input_conf_path = os.path.join(sim_dir, "Parameters", "input.conf") 26 self.__input_conf = self.load_input_conf() 27 28 self.__runtime_scene = None 29 self.__runtime_modification = False
135 def read_sim_project(self): 136 if not self.is_sim_valid(): 137 print("Simulation project: "+self.__sim_dir+" is not a valid project.") 138 sys.exit(0) 139 # Sensor 140 self.__scene.set_sensor(self.__read_sensor_from_json()) 141 142 # Landscape 143 landscape = Landscape() 144 landscape.set_sim(self) 145 landscape.init_landscape_from_json(self.__input_conf) 146 147 self.__scene.set_landscape(landscape) 148 149 # Illumination 150 illumination = Illumination() 151 illumination.set_sim(self) 152 illumination.init_illumination_from_json(self.__input_conf) 153 self.__scene.set_illumination(illumination) 154 155 # Observation 156 self.__scene.set_observation(self.__read_observation_from_json()) 157 158 # Advanced parameters 159 advanced_params = AdvancedParams() 160 advanced_params.init_advanced_params_from_json(self.__input_conf) 161 self.__scene.set_advanced_params(advanced_params)
171 def start(self): 172 self.__init_dist_file() 173 if self.__runtime_modification: 174 if self.__scene.with_lidar_sensor(): 175 print("INFO: LiDAR simulation does not support runtime modification of scene properties currently. If" 176 "you really want, please contact [email protected]") 177 sys.exit(0) 178 self.__start_runtime_simulation() 179 return 180 181 if self.__scene.with_lidar_sensor(): 182 cwd = os.getcwd() 183 os.chdir(self.__sim_dir) 184 interpreter = self.__sim_helper.get_py_interpreter_path() 185 script_lidar_gen_path = os.path.join(self.__sim_helper.get_less_py_dir(), "") 186 os.system(interpreter + " " + script_lidar_gen_path + " --genall") 187 188 script_lidar_sim_path = os.path.join(self.__sim_helper.get_less_py_dir(), "") 189 if self.__scene.get_sensor().get_scanning_device().get_lidar_sim_mode() == LiDARSimMode.SingleRayPointCloud: 190 os.system(interpreter + " " + script_lidar_sim_path + " singleRay") 191 elif self.__scene.get_sensor().get_scanning_device().get_lidar_sim_mode() == LiDARSimMode.MultiRayPointCloud: 192 os.system(interpreter + " " + script_lidar_sim_path + " pointcloud") 193 elif self.__scene.get_sensor().get_scanning_device().get_lidar_sim_mode() == LiDARSimMode.MultiRayPointCloudIncident: 194 os.system(interpreter + " " + script_lidar_sim_path + " pointcloudIncident") 195 elif self.__scene.get_sensor().get_scanning_device().get_lidar_sim_mode() == LiDARSimMode.MultiRayWaveform: 196 os.system(interpreter + " " + script_lidar_sim_path + " waveform") 197 print("INFO: Performing convolution...") 198 convolve_script_path = os.path.join(self.__sim_helper.get_less_py_dir(), 199 "lidar/waveformConvolve/") 200 scene_xsize = self.__scene.get_landscape().get_terrain().extent_width 201 scene_ysize = self.__scene.get_landscape().get_terrain().extent_height 202 os.system(interpreter + " " + convolve_script_path + " -1 " + str(scene_xsize) + " " + str(scene_ysize)) 203 204 os.chdir(cwd) 205 else: 206 cwd = os.getcwd() 207 os.chdir(self.__sim_dir) 208 interpreter = self.__sim_helper.get_py_interpreter_path() 209 script_lesspy_path = self.__sim_helper.get_script_less_py_path() 210 os.system(interpreter + " " + script_lesspy_path + " -g s") 211 os.system(interpreter + " " + script_lesspy_path + " -g v") 212 if self.__dist_file == "": 213 os.system(interpreter + " " + script_lesspy_path + " -r n -p " + 214 str(self.get_scene().get_advanced_params().number_of_cores)) 215 else: 216 os.system(interpreter + " " + script_lesspy_path + " -r n -p " + 217 str(self.get_scene().get_advanced_params().number_of_cores) + " -d " + self.__dist_file) 218 os.chdir(cwd)