
  1# coding: utf-8
  2from OpticalProperty import OpticalProperties, OpticalItem
  3from Terrain import Terrain
  4from SceneObjects import SceneObjects, SceneObject
  5from Element import Element
  6from LandscapeUtility import LandscapeUtility
  9class Landscape(Element):
 10    """
 11    Landscape represents the geometrical and spectral properties of the scene.
 12    It contains scene objects, instances, optical properties, temperature properties
 13    """
 14    def __init__(self):
 15        super().__init__()
 16        # forest
 17        self.__scene_objects = SceneObjects()
 19        # terrain
 20        self.__terrain = Terrain()
 22        # optical properties
 23        self.__optical_properties = OpticalProperties()
 25        # temperature
 26        self.__temperature_properties = {}
 28        # others
 29        self.__extra_scene = ""
 31    def init_landscape_from_json(self, json_object):
 32        # forest
 33        scene_objects = SceneObjects()
 34        scene_objects.set_sim(self.get_sim())
 35        scene_objects.init_objects_from_json(json_object)
 36        self.__scene_objects = scene_objects
 38        # terrain
 39        terrain = Terrain()
 40        terrain.set_sim(self.get_sim())
 41        terrain.init_terrain_from_json(json_object)
 42        self.__terrain = terrain
 44        # optical properties
 45        ops = OpticalProperties()
 46        ops.init_ops_from_json(json_object)
 47        self.__optical_properties = ops
 49        # temperature
 50        self.__temperature_properties = json_object["scene"]["temperature_properties"]
 52        # others
 53        self.__extra_scene = json_object["scene"]["extra_scene"]
 55        return self
 57    def get_objects(self) -> {}:
 58        """
 59        Get Scene objects
 60        :return:
 61        """
 62        return self.__scene_objects.get_objects()
 64    def get_object(self, obj_name):
 65        """
 66        Get individual object given the object name
 67        :param obj_name: object to be queried
 68        :return:
 69        """
 70        return self.__scene_objects.get_object(obj_name)
 72    def get_instances(self):
 73        """
 74        Get the instances of objects defined within the scene
 75        :return:
 76        """
 77        return self.__scene_objects.get_instances()
 79    def set_obj_cache(self, obj_cache: bool):
 80        """
 81        Whether the obj file are cached during the simulation. If you want to modify obj structures
 82        without changing obj name, you must **not** to cache the obj, because the cache are based on names only
 83        :param obj_cache: true or false to cache obj
 84        :return:
 85        """
 86        self.__scene_objects.cache_OBJ_file = obj_cache
 88    def convert_obj_to_binary(self, convert_obj_to_binary):
 89        """
 90        Whether convert the obj file to a binary representation to accelerate the loading of the scene
 91        :param convert_obj_to_binary: true of false
 92        :return:
 93        """
 94        self.__scene_objects.ConvertOBJToBinaryFile = convert_obj_to_binary
 96    def to_json_object(self, sim, sensor):
 97        json_obj = {"forest": self.__scene_objects.to_json_object(),
 98                    "terrain": self.__terrain.to_json_object(),
 99                    "optical_properties": self.__optical_properties.to_json_object(sensor.get_spectral_bands(), sim.get_scene_helper().less_install_root_path),
100                    "temperature_properties": self.__temperature_properties,
101                    "extra_scene": self.__extra_scene}
102        return json_obj
104    def add_op_item(self, op_item: OpticalItem):
105        """
106        The Optical Item representing leaf reflectance/transmittance, prospect, fluospect, etc.
107        :param op_item: an object of OpticalItem
108        :return:
109        """
110        self.__optical_properties.add_optical_item(op_item)
112    def get_op_item(self, op_name) -> OpticalItem:
113        """
114        Get an optical Item with a name
115        :param op_name: the optical item name to get
116        :return:
117        """
118        return self.__optical_properties.get_optical_item(op_name)
120    def get_all_op_items(self):
121        """
122        Get a list of OpticalItem that have been added to the landscape
123        :return:
124        """
125        return self.__optical_properties.optical_properties
127    def add_object(self, scene_object: SceneObject, override_file=True, translate_to_origin="no"):
128        """
129        Add an object to the scene
130        :param scene_object: an object of the SceneObject
131        :param override_file: If the obj files are overwrited
132        :param translate_to_origin: whether to translate the obj to the (0,0,0) coordinate
133        :return:
134        """
135        self.__scene_objects.add_object(scene_object, override_file, translate_to_origin)
137    def place_object(self, obj_name, x=50.0, y=50.0, z=0.0, rotate=0.0,
138                     rotate_axis_x=None, rotate_axis_y=None, rotate_axis_z=None,
139                     scale_extent_x=None, scale_extent_y=None, scale_extent_z=None
140                     ):
141        """
142        Place the object to the scene
143        :param obj_name:
144        :param x:
145        :param y:
146        :param z:
147        :param rotate:
148        :param rotate_axis_x:
149        :param rotate_axis_y:
150        :param rotate_axis_z:
151        :param scale_extent_x:
152        :param scale_extent_y:
153        :param scale_extent_z:
154        :return:
155        """
156        self.__scene_objects.place_object_to(obj_name, x, y, z, rotate, rotate_axis_x, rotate_axis_y, rotate_axis_z,
157                                             scale_extent_x, scale_extent_y, scale_extent_z)
159    def set_terrain_op(self, op_name):
160        self.__terrain.optical = op_name
162    def get_terrain(self):
163        return self.__terrain
165    def get_optical_properties(self):
166        return self.__optical_properties
168    def clear_objects(self):
169        self.__scene_objects.get_objects().clear()
171    def clear_instances(self):
172        self.__scene_objects.get_instances().clear()
174    def clear_landscape_elements(self):
175        self.__scene_objects.get_objects().clear()
176        self.__scene_objects.get_instances().clear()
178    def prepare_for_ui(self):
179        self.__scene_objects.calculate_object_bounding_box()
181    def get_object_bounds(self):
182        return self.__scene_objects.read_object_bounding_box()
184    # 情况自定义的 optical properties
185    def clear_user_defined_optical_properties(self):
186        for op in self.__optical_properties.optical_properties:
187            if op.get_op_name() not in ["birch_branch", "dark_soil_mollisol", "birch_leaf_green"]:
188                self.__optical_properties.optical_properties.remove(op)
189        # self.__optical_properties.optical_properties = \
190        #     [OpticalItem("birch_branch", "0.105,0.476;0.000,0.000;0.000,0.000", 0),
191        #      OpticalItem("dark_soil_mollisol", "0.188,0.351;0.000,0.000;0.000,0.000", 0),
192        #      OpticalItem("birch_leaf_green", "0.058,0.472;0.058,0.472;0.000,0.000", 0)]
194    def clear_all_optical_properties(self):
195        self.__optical_properties.optical_properties.clear()
197    def compute_scene_lai(self, exclude_object_outside=False, ignore_list=None):
198        land_scape_utility = LandscapeUtility(self)
199        return land_scape_utility.compute_scene_lai(exclude_object_outside, ignore_list)
201    def compute_lai3d(self, out_path, rows, cols, layers, compute_width=-1, compute_height=-1, ignore_list=None):
202        land_scape_utility = LandscapeUtility(self)
203        land_scape_utility.compute_lai3d(out_path, rows, cols, layers, compute_width, compute_height, ignore_list)
205    def compute_chm(self, out_path, resolution=2, ignore_list=None):
206        land_scape_utility = LandscapeUtility(self)
207        return land_scape_utility.compute_chm(out_path, resolution, ignore_list)
209    def compute_crown_radius(self, out_file, out_mask_img_file=None, mask_img_resolution=0.5):
210        land_scape_utility = LandscapeUtility(self)
211        return land_scape_utility.compute_crown_radius(out_file, out_mask_img_file, mask_img_resolution)
213    def compute_crown_boundary(self, out_file, out_mask_img_file=None, mask_img_resolution=0.5):
214        land_scape_utility = LandscapeUtility(self)
215        return land_scape_utility.compute_crown_boundary(out_file, out_mask_img_file, mask_img_resolution)
class Landscape(Element.Element):
 10class Landscape(Element):
 11    """
 12    Landscape represents the geometrical and spectral properties of the scene.
 13    It contains scene objects, instances, optical properties, temperature properties
 14    """
 15    def __init__(self):
 16        super().__init__()
 17        # forest
 18        self.__scene_objects = SceneObjects()
 20        # terrain
 21        self.__terrain = Terrain()
 23        # optical properties
 24        self.__optical_properties = OpticalProperties()
 26        # temperature
 27        self.__temperature_properties = {}
 29        # others
 30        self.__extra_scene = ""
 32    def init_landscape_from_json(self, json_object):
 33        # forest
 34        scene_objects = SceneObjects()
 35        scene_objects.set_sim(self.get_sim())
 36        scene_objects.init_objects_from_json(json_object)
 37        self.__scene_objects = scene_objects
 39        # terrain
 40        terrain = Terrain()
 41        terrain.set_sim(self.get_sim())
 42        terrain.init_terrain_from_json(json_object)
 43        self.__terrain = terrain
 45        # optical properties
 46        ops = OpticalProperties()
 47        ops.init_ops_from_json(json_object)
 48        self.__optical_properties = ops
 50        # temperature
 51        self.__temperature_properties = json_object["scene"]["temperature_properties"]
 53        # others
 54        self.__extra_scene = json_object["scene"]["extra_scene"]
 56        return self
 58    def get_objects(self) -> {}:
 59        """
 60        Get Scene objects
 61        :return:
 62        """
 63        return self.__scene_objects.get_objects()
 65    def get_object(self, obj_name):
 66        """
 67        Get individual object given the object name
 68        :param obj_name: object to be queried
 69        :return:
 70        """
 71        return self.__scene_objects.get_object(obj_name)
 73    def get_instances(self):
 74        """
 75        Get the instances of objects defined within the scene
 76        :return:
 77        """
 78        return self.__scene_objects.get_instances()
 80    def set_obj_cache(self, obj_cache: bool):
 81        """
 82        Whether the obj file are cached during the simulation. If you want to modify obj structures
 83        without changing obj name, you must **not** to cache the obj, because the cache are based on names only
 84        :param obj_cache: true or false to cache obj
 85        :return:
 86        """
 87        self.__scene_objects.cache_OBJ_file = obj_cache
 89    def convert_obj_to_binary(self, convert_obj_to_binary):
 90        """
 91        Whether convert the obj file to a binary representation to accelerate the loading of the scene
 92        :param convert_obj_to_binary: true of false
 93        :return:
 94        """
 95        self.__scene_objects.ConvertOBJToBinaryFile = convert_obj_to_binary
 97    def to_json_object(self, sim, sensor):
 98        json_obj = {"forest": self.__scene_objects.to_json_object(),
 99                    "terrain": self.__terrain.to_json_object(),
100                    "optical_properties": self.__optical_properties.to_json_object(sensor.get_spectral_bands(), sim.get_scene_helper().less_install_root_path),
101                    "temperature_properties": self.__temperature_properties,
102                    "extra_scene": self.__extra_scene}
103        return json_obj
105    def add_op_item(self, op_item: OpticalItem):
106        """
107        The Optical Item representing leaf reflectance/transmittance, prospect, fluospect, etc.
108        :param op_item: an object of OpticalItem
109        :return:
110        """
111        self.__optical_properties.add_optical_item(op_item)
113    def get_op_item(self, op_name) -> OpticalItem:
114        """
115        Get an optical Item with a name
116        :param op_name: the optical item name to get
117        :return:
118        """
119        return self.__optical_properties.get_optical_item(op_name)
121    def get_all_op_items(self):
122        """
123        Get a list of OpticalItem that have been added to the landscape
124        :return:
125        """
126        return self.__optical_properties.optical_properties
128    def add_object(self, scene_object: SceneObject, override_file=True, translate_to_origin="no"):
129        """
130        Add an object to the scene
131        :param scene_object: an object of the SceneObject
132        :param override_file: If the obj files are overwrited
133        :param translate_to_origin: whether to translate the obj to the (0,0,0) coordinate
134        :return:
135        """
136        self.__scene_objects.add_object(scene_object, override_file, translate_to_origin)
138    def place_object(self, obj_name, x=50.0, y=50.0, z=0.0, rotate=0.0,
139                     rotate_axis_x=None, rotate_axis_y=None, rotate_axis_z=None,
140                     scale_extent_x=None, scale_extent_y=None, scale_extent_z=None
141                     ):
142        """
143        Place the object to the scene
144        :param obj_name:
145        :param x:
146        :param y:
147        :param z:
148        :param rotate:
149        :param rotate_axis_x:
150        :param rotate_axis_y:
151        :param rotate_axis_z:
152        :param scale_extent_x:
153        :param scale_extent_y:
154        :param scale_extent_z:
155        :return:
156        """
157        self.__scene_objects.place_object_to(obj_name, x, y, z, rotate, rotate_axis_x, rotate_axis_y, rotate_axis_z,
158                                             scale_extent_x, scale_extent_y, scale_extent_z)
160    def set_terrain_op(self, op_name):
161        self.__terrain.optical = op_name
163    def get_terrain(self):
164        return self.__terrain
166    def get_optical_properties(self):
167        return self.__optical_properties
169    def clear_objects(self):
170        self.__scene_objects.get_objects().clear()
172    def clear_instances(self):
173        self.__scene_objects.get_instances().clear()
175    def clear_landscape_elements(self):
176        self.__scene_objects.get_objects().clear()
177        self.__scene_objects.get_instances().clear()
179    def prepare_for_ui(self):
180        self.__scene_objects.calculate_object_bounding_box()
182    def get_object_bounds(self):
183        return self.__scene_objects.read_object_bounding_box()
185    # 情况自定义的 optical properties
186    def clear_user_defined_optical_properties(self):
187        for op in self.__optical_properties.optical_properties:
188            if op.get_op_name() not in ["birch_branch", "dark_soil_mollisol", "birch_leaf_green"]:
189                self.__optical_properties.optical_properties.remove(op)
190        # self.__optical_properties.optical_properties = \
191        #     [OpticalItem("birch_branch", "0.105,0.476;0.000,0.000;0.000,0.000", 0),
192        #      OpticalItem("dark_soil_mollisol", "0.188,0.351;0.000,0.000;0.000,0.000", 0),
193        #      OpticalItem("birch_leaf_green", "0.058,0.472;0.058,0.472;0.000,0.000", 0)]
195    def clear_all_optical_properties(self):
196        self.__optical_properties.optical_properties.clear()
198    def compute_scene_lai(self, exclude_object_outside=False, ignore_list=None):
199        land_scape_utility = LandscapeUtility(self)
200        return land_scape_utility.compute_scene_lai(exclude_object_outside, ignore_list)
202    def compute_lai3d(self, out_path, rows, cols, layers, compute_width=-1, compute_height=-1, ignore_list=None):
203        land_scape_utility = LandscapeUtility(self)
204        land_scape_utility.compute_lai3d(out_path, rows, cols, layers, compute_width, compute_height, ignore_list)
206    def compute_chm(self, out_path, resolution=2, ignore_list=None):
207        land_scape_utility = LandscapeUtility(self)
208        return land_scape_utility.compute_chm(out_path, resolution, ignore_list)
210    def compute_crown_radius(self, out_file, out_mask_img_file=None, mask_img_resolution=0.5):
211        land_scape_utility = LandscapeUtility(self)
212        return land_scape_utility.compute_crown_radius(out_file, out_mask_img_file, mask_img_resolution)
214    def compute_crown_boundary(self, out_file, out_mask_img_file=None, mask_img_resolution=0.5):
215        land_scape_utility = LandscapeUtility(self)
216        return land_scape_utility.compute_crown_boundary(out_file, out_mask_img_file, mask_img_resolution)

Landscape represents the geometrical and spectral properties of the scene. It contains scene objects, instances, optical properties, temperature properties

def init_landscape_from_json(self, json_object):
32    def init_landscape_from_json(self, json_object):
33        # forest
34        scene_objects = SceneObjects()
35        scene_objects.set_sim(self.get_sim())
36        scene_objects.init_objects_from_json(json_object)
37        self.__scene_objects = scene_objects
39        # terrain
40        terrain = Terrain()
41        terrain.set_sim(self.get_sim())
42        terrain.init_terrain_from_json(json_object)
43        self.__terrain = terrain
45        # optical properties
46        ops = OpticalProperties()
47        ops.init_ops_from_json(json_object)
48        self.__optical_properties = ops
50        # temperature
51        self.__temperature_properties = json_object["scene"]["temperature_properties"]
53        # others
54        self.__extra_scene = json_object["scene"]["extra_scene"]
56        return self
def get_objects(self) -> {}:
58    def get_objects(self) -> {}:
59        """
60        Get Scene objects
61        :return:
62        """
63        return self.__scene_objects.get_objects()

Get Scene objects

def get_object(self, obj_name):
65    def get_object(self, obj_name):
66        """
67        Get individual object given the object name
68        :param obj_name: object to be queried
69        :return:
70        """
71        return self.__scene_objects.get_object(obj_name)

Get individual object given the object name

  • obj_name: object to be queried
def get_instances(self):
73    def get_instances(self):
74        """
75        Get the instances of objects defined within the scene
76        :return:
77        """
78        return self.__scene_objects.get_instances()

Get the instances of objects defined within the scene

def set_obj_cache(self, obj_cache: bool):
80    def set_obj_cache(self, obj_cache: bool):
81        """
82        Whether the obj file are cached during the simulation. If you want to modify obj structures
83        without changing obj name, you must **not** to cache the obj, because the cache are based on names only
84        :param obj_cache: true or false to cache obj
85        :return:
86        """
87        self.__scene_objects.cache_OBJ_file = obj_cache

Whether the obj file are cached during the simulation. If you want to modify obj structures without changing obj name, you must not to cache the obj, because the cache are based on names only

  • obj_cache: true or false to cache obj
def convert_obj_to_binary(self, convert_obj_to_binary):
89    def convert_obj_to_binary(self, convert_obj_to_binary):
90        """
91        Whether convert the obj file to a binary representation to accelerate the loading of the scene
92        :param convert_obj_to_binary: true of false
93        :return:
94        """
95        self.__scene_objects.ConvertOBJToBinaryFile = convert_obj_to_binary

Whether convert the obj file to a binary representation to accelerate the loading of the scene

  • convert_obj_to_binary: true of false
def to_json_object(self, sim, sensor):
 97    def to_json_object(self, sim, sensor):
 98        json_obj = {"forest": self.__scene_objects.to_json_object(),
 99                    "terrain": self.__terrain.to_json_object(),
100                    "optical_properties": self.__optical_properties.to_json_object(sensor.get_spectral_bands(), sim.get_scene_helper().less_install_root_path),
101                    "temperature_properties": self.__temperature_properties,
102                    "extra_scene": self.__extra_scene}
103        return json_obj
def add_op_item(self, op_item: OpticalProperty.OpticalItem):
105    def add_op_item(self, op_item: OpticalItem):
106        """
107        The Optical Item representing leaf reflectance/transmittance, prospect, fluospect, etc.
108        :param op_item: an object of OpticalItem
109        :return:
110        """
111        self.__optical_properties.add_optical_item(op_item)

The Optical Item representing leaf reflectance/transmittance, prospect, fluospect, etc.

  • op_item: an object of OpticalItem
def get_op_item(self, op_name) -> OpticalProperty.OpticalItem:
113    def get_op_item(self, op_name) -> OpticalItem:
114        """
115        Get an optical Item with a name
116        :param op_name: the optical item name to get
117        :return:
118        """
119        return self.__optical_properties.get_optical_item(op_name)

Get an optical Item with a name

  • op_name: the optical item name to get
def get_all_op_items(self):
121    def get_all_op_items(self):
122        """
123        Get a list of OpticalItem that have been added to the landscape
124        :return:
125        """
126        return self.__optical_properties.optical_properties

Get a list of OpticalItem that have been added to the landscape

def add_object( self, scene_object: SceneObjects.SceneObject, override_file=True, translate_to_origin='no'):
128    def add_object(self, scene_object: SceneObject, override_file=True, translate_to_origin="no"):
129        """
130        Add an object to the scene
131        :param scene_object: an object of the SceneObject
132        :param override_file: If the obj files are overwrited
133        :param translate_to_origin: whether to translate the obj to the (0,0,0) coordinate
134        :return:
135        """
136        self.__scene_objects.add_object(scene_object, override_file, translate_to_origin)

Add an object to the scene

  • scene_object: an object of the SceneObject
  • override_file: If the obj files are overwrited
  • translate_to_origin: whether to translate the obj to the (0,0,0) coordinate
def place_object( self, obj_name, x=50.0, y=50.0, z=0.0, rotate=0.0, rotate_axis_x=None, rotate_axis_y=None, rotate_axis_z=None, scale_extent_x=None, scale_extent_y=None, scale_extent_z=None):
138    def place_object(self, obj_name, x=50.0, y=50.0, z=0.0, rotate=0.0,
139                     rotate_axis_x=None, rotate_axis_y=None, rotate_axis_z=None,
140                     scale_extent_x=None, scale_extent_y=None, scale_extent_z=None
141                     ):
142        """
143        Place the object to the scene
144        :param obj_name:
145        :param x:
146        :param y:
147        :param z:
148        :param rotate:
149        :param rotate_axis_x:
150        :param rotate_axis_y:
151        :param rotate_axis_z:
152        :param scale_extent_x:
153        :param scale_extent_y:
154        :param scale_extent_z:
155        :return:
156        """
157        self.__scene_objects.place_object_to(obj_name, x, y, z, rotate, rotate_axis_x, rotate_axis_y, rotate_axis_z,
158                                             scale_extent_x, scale_extent_y, scale_extent_z)

Place the object to the scene

  • obj_name:
  • x:
  • y:
  • z:
  • rotate:
  • rotate_axis_x:
  • rotate_axis_y:
  • rotate_axis_z:
  • scale_extent_x:
  • scale_extent_y:
  • scale_extent_z:
def set_terrain_op(self, op_name):
160    def set_terrain_op(self, op_name):
161        self.__terrain.optical = op_name
def get_terrain(self):
163    def get_terrain(self):
164        return self.__terrain
def get_optical_properties(self):
166    def get_optical_properties(self):
167        return self.__optical_properties
def clear_objects(self):
169    def clear_objects(self):
170        self.__scene_objects.get_objects().clear()
def clear_instances(self):
172    def clear_instances(self):
173        self.__scene_objects.get_instances().clear()
def clear_landscape_elements(self):
175    def clear_landscape_elements(self):
176        self.__scene_objects.get_objects().clear()
177        self.__scene_objects.get_instances().clear()
def prepare_for_ui(self):
179    def prepare_for_ui(self):
180        self.__scene_objects.calculate_object_bounding_box()
def get_object_bounds(self):
182    def get_object_bounds(self):
183        return self.__scene_objects.read_object_bounding_box()
def clear_user_defined_optical_properties(self):
186    def clear_user_defined_optical_properties(self):
187        for op in self.__optical_properties.optical_properties:
188            if op.get_op_name() not in ["birch_branch", "dark_soil_mollisol", "birch_leaf_green"]:
189                self.__optical_properties.optical_properties.remove(op)
190        # self.__optical_properties.optical_properties = \
191        #     [OpticalItem("birch_branch", "0.105,0.476;0.000,0.000;0.000,0.000", 0),
192        #      OpticalItem("dark_soil_mollisol", "0.188,0.351;0.000,0.000;0.000,0.000", 0),
193        #      OpticalItem("birch_leaf_green", "0.058,0.472;0.058,0.472;0.000,0.000", 0)]
def clear_all_optical_properties(self):
195    def clear_all_optical_properties(self):
196        self.__optical_properties.optical_properties.clear()
def compute_scene_lai(self, exclude_object_outside=False, ignore_list=None):
198    def compute_scene_lai(self, exclude_object_outside=False, ignore_list=None):
199        land_scape_utility = LandscapeUtility(self)
200        return land_scape_utility.compute_scene_lai(exclude_object_outside, ignore_list)
def compute_lai3d( self, out_path, rows, cols, layers, compute_width=-1, compute_height=-1, ignore_list=None):
202    def compute_lai3d(self, out_path, rows, cols, layers, compute_width=-1, compute_height=-1, ignore_list=None):
203        land_scape_utility = LandscapeUtility(self)
204        land_scape_utility.compute_lai3d(out_path, rows, cols, layers, compute_width, compute_height, ignore_list)
def compute_chm(self, out_path, resolution=2, ignore_list=None):
206    def compute_chm(self, out_path, resolution=2, ignore_list=None):
207        land_scape_utility = LandscapeUtility(self)
208        return land_scape_utility.compute_chm(out_path, resolution, ignore_list)
def compute_crown_radius(self, out_file, out_mask_img_file=None, mask_img_resolution=0.5):
210    def compute_crown_radius(self, out_file, out_mask_img_file=None, mask_img_resolution=0.5):
211        land_scape_utility = LandscapeUtility(self)
212        return land_scape_utility.compute_crown_radius(out_file, out_mask_img_file, mask_img_resolution)
def compute_crown_boundary(self, out_file, out_mask_img_file=None, mask_img_resolution=0.5):
214    def compute_crown_boundary(self, out_file, out_mask_img_file=None, mask_img_resolution=0.5):
215        land_scape_utility = LandscapeUtility(self)
216        return land_scape_utility.compute_crown_boundary(out_file, out_mask_img_file, mask_img_resolution)
Inherited Members