LESS workshop 2024 held at Beijing Normal University

Sep 28, 2024 • Jianbo Qi

“2024年三维辐射传输模型国际暑期学校”在北京师范大学圆满落幕 The International Summer School on 3D Radiative Transfer Modeling Concludes Successfully at Beijing Normal University 2024年8月17日,由遥感科学国家重点实验室主办的“2024年三维辐射传输模型国际暑期学校:第三届LESS&第六届DART模型培训班”在北京师范大学圆满落幕。此次暑期学校自8月14日开幕,历时四天,吸引了众多青年科技工作者和研究生踊跃参与。

本次培训班汇聚了国际遥感辐射传输领域的知名专家和学者,重点讲解了两大主流三维辐射传输模型——由法国图卢兹第三大学Jean-Philippe Gastellu-Etchegorry教授始创的DART模型,以及北京师范大学漆建波副教授开发的LESS模型。两位模型创始人及其团队对模型的理论背景、关键技术和应用实例进行了详尽的讲解,辅以现场操作演示,帮助学员更好地理解和掌握模型。在四天的课程中,学员们不仅深入学习了DART和LESS模型的基础理论,还通过实践环节亲自应用这些模型,进行遥感数据的模拟与分析。


On August 17, 2024, the “International Summer School on 3D Radiative Transfer Modelling: 3rd LESS model tutorial & 6th DART model international tutorial” hosted by the State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, concluded successfully at Beijing Normal University. This four-day summer school, which began on August 14, attracted many young researchers and graduate students from various institutions.

The summer school brought together renowned experts and scholars in the field of 3D radiative transfer modeling. The primary focus was on two major 3D models: the DART model, initiated by Prof. Jean-Philippe Gastellu-Etchegorry from Toulouse III University in France, and the LESS model, developed by Assoc. Prof. Jianbo Qi from Beijing Normal University. Both model creators, along with their teams, delivered detailed lectures covering the theoretical background, key technologies, and practical applications of the models. Hands-on demonstrations were provided to assist participants in better understanding and mastering these models.

Over the course of four days, participants not only gained an in-depth understanding of the theoretical foundations of DART and LESS but also had the opportunity to apply the models themselves in practice sessions, simulating and analyzing remote sensing data.

The successful completion of this summer school highlights the growing importance of 3D radiative transfer models in areas such as land surface parameter retrieval, physical model validation, and algorithm development. In the future, the State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science will continue to promote research and the broader application of 3D radiative transfer models, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and providing robust technical support for global remote sensing research and applications. 1804fd372947050f9afa4579b1ba12d